Our Love Pillar

The first of the twelve RockAware Pillars is the pillar of love.  Check out our video on the 12 Pillars: RockAware Families Building on the Right Foundation 

It all starts with love because it all starts with God. God is love. God showed us what love is when he sent his son into the world to die for our sins.

God gave us the two greatest commandments: to love Him and to love your neighbor as yourself. But, sometimes, we miss how Jesus expanded on loving your neighbor when he told the story about the Good Samaritan. The Samaritan crossed boundaries of comfort and culture to identify with another man’s suffering. And he gave his time and resources to meet the man’s needs.

God’s kind of love is not merely a nice feeling for someone but a commitment to act. Yes, for our loved ones, but also enemies or strangers. By stepping beyond what is familiar to us and moving with compassion on behalf of another’s need, we are taking on the heart of God to love as he loves.

This can be hard unless we encounter God’s amazing love for ourselves. Through our relationship with Jesus, God can transform our hearts and our homes. And what happens in the home will impact the world.

Will you let God use your family to touch a person, another family, or even a people group with His love?

For some ideas: Aware, Act, Adopt

Our RockAware journey starts with love. Every other pillar should be motivated by love and a result of our love.

Facebook, Instagram @rockaware.co

#love #lovepillar #12pillars #rockaware #rockawareco #familylife #kingdomlifestyle

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