three dreams and a name
The RockAware Company

Our name came from a dream. Read about it in our article, “RockAware and Refugees“. The word is an infusion of two concepts: God, the Eternal Rock on which we stand and build; and aware, a way of life that continually acknowledges the Lord, invites him in, and filters every view through his Word and His Spirit.
We define it this way:
rock-a-ware (adj) 1 : continually mindful of God our Rock 2 : experiencing every area of life through the lens of God’s unchanging Word and the dynamic voice of His Spirit
The foundation of our families and company is
god our rock.
On God rests my salvation and my glory, my mighty rock, my refuge is God. Psalm 62:7
Throughout Scripture, God is often referred to as our Rock. He is the unfailing, unchanging One in which we can trust!
Jesus was called the spiritual Rock that God’s people drink from (1 Corinth. 10:4) and the only cornerstone and foundation that can be laid (1 Corinth. 3:11). If we listen to and obey his words, we are said to build on a good foundation that cannot be shaken when storms come (Matt. 7:24-25). The revealed truth of who Jesus is is also the bedrock foundation on which he builds his church (Matt. 16:18-19).
Our desire is to build our lives, our homes, and our children on God’s Word and the dynamic revelation of who He is!
We seek to live this life continually
aware AND IN AWE of God.
Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? Psalm 139:7
Psalm 139 paints an incredible picture of an omnipresent, omniscient God who knows us and loves us intimately. How much more should we seek to know and love Him!
Our prayer for the next generation is that they would not only know of His love, but that they would encounter His Presence in worship, allowing His love to overflow through them onto others.
Worship is not limited to the songs we sing, but the perpetual communion we share with Him, regardless of what we are doing. May our children not only stand firm on the rock beneath them, but also listen for the voice of His Spirit within and around them.
offering tools
Our mission is to help families build a rock-solid foundation in Christ and advance God’s kingdom using enjoyable, lifestyle tools. We are all about thriving relationships, making meaningful memories, and capturing everyday teachable moments!
We love resources that uniquely blend the Word of God and a Jesus lifestyle into easy, family activities! We encourage conversation, celebration, games & play, music & entertainment, reading, and creative works as some of the ways to learn and worship together.
building God’s Kingdom
Our vision is to see families in community, transformed by the love of Jesus, standing strong on the Word of God, empowered by the Spirit of God, and making room for God’s expanding Kingdom. We want to see the next generation grab hold of the biblical blueprints, tools, and materials to build God’s Kingdom amidst the shifting sands of culture and the raging storms of life.
Our initial and ongoing strategy:
- Generate collaboration among God’s people with their diversities of gifts and contributions for the common goal of building up the family and impacting the next generation.
- Identify together the biblical principles and life skills our children need to know and be able to do in their spiritual development.
- Create lifestyle “curriculum” for families of children from birth through 12th grade, which will include products and services we recommend and ones we will develop. Our curriculum will highlight the resources that uniquely infuse the Word of God into enjoyable family activities.
- Challenge families to make room in their hearts and homes for those God is wanting to reach through them, providing tangible ways to take action.
- Build community among families by providing online opportunities and encouraging like-minded families to gather locally.
Want to get involved? Introduce yourself by filling out our Involvement Form.
We believe in cultivating and guarding our relationships: with the Lord, our spouses and children, and the members of our company’s collaborative teams. Flowing from the heart of the Father, we seek to extend love and to honor each person’s contribution to the Body.
Joy is the litmus test of whether our activity – at home or at work – is marked by the presence and life of God rather than duty, fear, or striving. We choose joy, as it strengthens us today and gives us hope for our children’s tomorrow, always pressing us toward the end goal.
Holistic Perspective
We acknowledge and highly value the individual parts that make up the whole:
We worship and commune with our Triune God – Father, Son, and Spirit. (2 Corinthians 13:14) All parts and members of the Body of Christ are indispensable, positionally inseparable, and impacted by one another. (1 Corinthians 12:12-26). We recognize God’s hand at work within, and the importance of, the tri-generational family to influence the next generation. (Deuteronomy 6:2) And we emphasize how our whole being – body, soul, and spirit – is in need of restoration and nourishment. (3 John 1:2)
From our children to the parents, teachers, creatives, and mentors who pour into them, we want to see the members of the Body equipped, working together, and moving forward in action.
Preparing the next generation takes wisdom and intentionality. We aim to keep our strategy simple and our approach well-rounded, so families may easily grasp and confidently embrace where we’re all headed.
Because of our Heavenly Father who adopted us into his household, we challenge ourselves and our community of families to also adopt: to move beyond comfort and culture to embrace the need of another individual, family, or people group, whether formally or informally. More on this.
Making Room in Heart and Home
The RockAware Journey is a commitment to loving God and loving others.
We love God because he first loved us.

At RockAware, we acknowledge that parents need to encounter God’s love and experience freedom and wholeness just like their children do. Transformation begins in the heart of the parent, which, we pray, will overflow into the home.
What happens in the home will then certainly impact the world. In loving others, Jesus admonishes us to move past our differences, cross barriers, and care enough to make someone else’s need our own (Luke 10:25-37). We all have the opportunity to let the Lord use our family to touch an individual, another family, or even a people group with His love.